1. Write an application that calculates and displays the weekly salary of an employee. In the main() method, prompt the user to enter the hourly_pay_rate, regular_working_hours, and overtime_hours. Create a separate method to calculate overtime pay, which is regular hours times the pay rate plus overtime hours times 1.5 times the pay rate; return the result to the main() method to be displayed. 2. When gasoline is Rs 120 per barrel, then the consumer’s price at the pump is between Rs 3.60 and Rs 4.20 per gallon. Create a class named GasPrice such that its main() method holds an integer variable named price_per_barrel to which you will assign a value entered by a user at run time. Create a method to which you pass price_per_barrel. The method displays the range of possible prices per gallon. For example, if gas is Rs150 per barrel, then the price at the pump should be between Rs 4.50 and Rs 5.25. 3. Create a class named ...