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Mock Test: CSE310

Time Allowed: 02:00 Hrs                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 50
           PART B
Q2 a) Write a program to create a class named find_Average which contains a static method named getAverage which accepts a two-dimensional array of size M X N and returns an array of size M containing the largest element in corresponding row of input array.                                                                                                              [10 Marks]
Example: Input:  {{1, 6, 3, 8},                                        
                                  {6, 5, 7, 2},
                                     {3, 5, 1, 5}
Output: [8, 7, 5]
b) (i) What is the difference between LocalDate and LocalDateTime class? What is the use of parse method in these classes? Write code snippet to create a LocalDate object with date 30 April 2017 using of method.                 [5 Marks]
(ii) Write a program to define a class named Employee with attributes name salary and id. Also provide a parameterized constructor to initialize all the attributes.
Create a class TestEmployee in which create at least 3 employee objects and Store in an arraylist.
Implement a method public void search(int id) which display the name and salary of the employee with given id.                                                                                                                                    [5 Marks]
Q3 a) What do you mean by Singleton design pattern? Discuss a scenario where singleton design pattern can be used? Write a program to implement that scenario.                                                                                               [10 Marks]
b) (i) Differentiate between method and constructor. What do you mean by constructor chaining? Explain with suitable example.                                                                                                                                                    [5 Marks]
(ii) Write a program which prompts the user to enter a String now implement the following method
public int[] countVowels(String s)
which returns the array containing the number of vowels in String s. Where the count of a, e, i, o, u is stored in indexes 0 to 4 respectively.                                                                                                                                        [5 Marks]
Q4 a) Write a program to define an interface Person containing abstract method public VoterId getVoterID().
Create a class Employee which inherits Person and contains an inner class VoterId with attributes id and name. Implement the getVoerId method such that it reads the name and automatically assigns a unique id to each Employee Object and return the VoterId object.
Define a Main class in which create two Employee objects and display their name and VoterId.                    [10 Marks]
b) (i) Define a class Test containing a method public void demo(). Define a local class MyLocal inside demo() and MyLocal must have a method public int add(int a, int b). Invoke the add method from another class TestLocal.
           [5 Marks]
(ii) Differentiate between following:
                (a) Abstract class and Interface
                (b) default method and static method in an interface
                (c) Anonymous class and Lambda Expression                                                                              [5 Marks]

Q5 a) What do you mean by Serialization? Differentiate between flush() and close() methods.
Write a program to define a class Employee having attributes name, emp_id and salary. Create 5 Employee objects and write those objects in a file named as Employees.txt.
Write a method public void getDetails(int minsalary) which displays the name, emp_id and salary of all the employees having salary less than the input minsalary.
[Hint: Use Object Input/Output Stream]                                                                                                     [10 Marks]
b) (i) Write a program to define a user defined exception class named as "InvalidStringException" which prints "Length of String is ODD" when the object of this class is printed.
Create a class MyString which prompts the user to enter a string s and if the number of characters in s is odd then throw the InvalidStringException and handle it using try-catch-finally.                                                                      [5 Marks]
(ii) What do you mean by assertion? What is the significance of using assertions in java? How it is different from Exception handling?                                                                                                                                    [5 Marks]

Q6 a) Write a program to define a class Employee with attributes employee_id, name and designation and a parameterized constructor to initialize all the attributes.
Read the details of Employee from the user at run time and store 4 Employee objects in an appropriate collection such that the details of Employee can be directly fetched using the employee_id as the search key.
In a class TestCollection, prompt the user to enter the employee id and display all the details of employee.                                                                                                                                                [10 Marks]
b) (i) What do you mean by Wildcard argument in generics?
Write a program to implement a method which accepts an arraylist containing duplicate values and returns a Collection having unique elements only.
    public <E extends Number>Collection removeDuplicate(ArrayList<E > al)                                        [5 Marks]

(ii) Differentiate between following:
                (a) Iterator and ListIterator
                (b) HashSet and HashMap
                (c) ArrayList and Vector                                                                                                             [5 Marks]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. please upload the answers sir for reference

  3. This is very useful. we sincerely appreciate your effort.

  4. Thanks sir , for giving us idea , that question can be framed.

  5. thank you so much sir for your cooperation

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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