1. Differences between:
(i) >> and >>>
(ii) & and &&, | and
|| operator
(iii) JDK, JVM and JRE
(iv) Overloading and overriding
(v) Method and Constructor
(vi) final and finally
(vii) throw and throws
(viii) checked exception and
unchecked exception
(ix) Exception and Error
(x) Abstract class and Interface
2. Nested classes and Inner class (Local class and Anonymous
class) with Example
3. Defining and importing the packages
4. Jagged Array, Array as an Argument and as a return type of
any method
5. Methods of String and StringBuffer and ArrayList class
6. Various Access modifiers (public, protected, private and
7. this, super, static and final keywords
8. Constructor Chaining
9. Chained Exceptions and Custom Exceptions
10. Wrapper classes and need of Wrapper class.
Good Post! Thank you so much for sharing the nice post, it was so good to read and useful to improve
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