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Program to demonstrate the use of 'super' keyword

class TestSuper1
    int x =10;
    TestSuper1(int p)
        System.out.println("Super class Argumented Constructor");
    void demo()
        System.out.println("Super class");
class SuperTest1 extends TestSuper1
    int x=100;
        // super class constructor using super
        System.out.println("Sub-class Constructor");


    public static void main(String rks[])
        SuperTest1 t = new SuperTest1();

    void demo()
        System.out.println("Sub-class Demo");
        // super class method using super
        System.out.println("Sub-class x: "+ x);
        // super class data member x using super
        System.out.println("Super class x: "+ super.x);



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  2. Super keyword in java

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